Rural Matters Newsletter October 2023

Find link above to October 2023 Rural matters newsletter produced by the Police (NE Crime Reduction team). This bi- monthly bulletin produced by the Police Scotland North East Division Crime Reduction Team is aimed at
keeping you up to date with what is happening in our countryside.

Scams - Trading Standards Scotland

This useful website provides information on the some of the most common email, phone, text and cyber scams reported by Scottish consumers. Use this website   to find out more about them and how to avoid them.

Sign up to their weekly    Scam Share bulletin    to receive updates on the most recently reported scams.

Find out more about specific types of scams, such as doorstep scams, energy scams or the sale of counterfeit goods online through our    Priority Area pages

Report suspicious behaviour in your community to    Police Scotland    on    101    or    999    in an emergency  
Report all scams to    Advice Direct Scotland    on    0808 164 6000    or through their    website   .

Scam emails should be reported to the    National Cyber Security Centre    via their new    Suspicious Email Reporting Service   .


Police Report Q2 2023 

Marr Policing Priority - Antisocial Behaviour, Violence and Disorder


April – June 2023 have seen the area starting to build in relation to tourism which is great to see and good for the local economy.  In relation to Police matters, there have been an average number of calls in regards to anti-social behaviours, many similar in nature to previous reports.  Vandalism’s, youths hanging about in groups and noisy music complaints.

In relation to the vandalisms, a number have been detected and reports submitted where necessary.  Although many have been minor in nature, we take all complaints seriously and deal with them in the same way.  We cannot detect them all unfortunately, but please be assured that every effort is made to do so.

There have not been a huge number of calls relating to violence in the area which is encouraging.  Officers continue to visit licenced premises during the busier times.  When Officers carry out such visits or are called to a premises, they submit a report detailing their findings.  This report gets shared with partner agencies.

As I write this, we have started the first week of the School holidays, so there is an element of anticipation that, accompanied by the fine weather, there may be an increase in anti-social calls, with many youngsters staying out later than usual.  Local Officers will continue to engage with these groups in order to build rapport and deal with any matters quickly, thus preventing escalation.

As per previous reports, we are still aware that a number of issues do not get reported to the Police initially, and it is often some time later before we are informed of them, meaning that it is difficult to deal with or prevent.  We cannot be everywhere 24/7, but if there is an issue that we have not been told about, then it is unfair to claim ‘Police did nothing’ several weeks down the road.

It is important to report any community issues to us, in order that they are appropriately recorded and if required, given attention.  All calls to Police Scotland are recorded, and similar to other partner agencies, they are assessed, or triaged before deciding how best they are dealt with.  Many calls will go to our Resolution Team, who may handle the call over the telephone.  Others may be put to a diary call, where a mutual time and date are agreed for Police to attend or make contact.  If a call is deemed as ongoing, then it will be sent to the Area Control Room for further assessment and where appropriate, allocation.



Marr Policing Priority - Acquisitive Crime


In relation to Acquisitive Crimes, such as Thefts and Housebreaking, there have been a relatively small amount in the last three months.  There have been a small number of attempts, and also a small number of calls where sheds and outhouses have been entered, but nothing apparently stolen.  This shows, unfortunately that there are still opportunists willing to attend the area to see what they can get.  If a shed or outhouse is left insecure, then it is easy pickings for the criminals.

If you have signed up to Neighbourhood Alerts, you will see that rural areas are still being targeted, and this includes the Banchory community area.  There have been a range from Housebreaking to Theft of vehicles.  We continue to be supported by our Pro-Active teams.

Thieves continue to target quad bikes, mountain bikes, vehicles and fuel.  If you have any of these items and this applies to you – please take time to review your security.  A secure building is much less appealing to a criminal.  

If you require advice on this, as always there is lots of advice online, or feel free to call 101 and ask to speak to a Crime Prevention Officer in the local area.  Any Officer from the Banchory CPT would be happy to pass advice, or refer you to the relevant Office.



Marr Policing Priority - Road Safety and Road Crime


The light nights and warmer weather not only encourages people to remain out longer, but it also encourages drivers to remain out longer.  We have received calls in relation to various roads policing matters, be it anti-social driving, speeding, irresponsible parking, or drink/drug driving.  Although the calls in the area have reduced since the last report, there are still calls received.  We continue to receive support from our Roads Policing colleagues who attend the area as often as they can, however the Banchory area are not along in experiencing such issues, so Roads Policing have a vast area to provide assistance to.

As stated at the start of the report, there has been a notable increase in relation to visitors to the area.  This means that the roads are busier than usual, so more chances of Road Traffic Collisions (RTC’s) occurring.  There have been a small number of RTC’s so far, but thankfully nothing too serious.  The local Officers are on the roads pretty much nonstop during their shifts, so they are always looking for offences and where necessary, take appropriate action.

Officers continue to take out the ‘Speed Gun’ to monitor areas where we receive calls.  I have also spoken to our Roads Policing colleagues in this regard, and have seen them in the area from time to time providing assistance.  This will continue during the summer months.  Members of the community are encouraged to highlight areas where they have concerns in relation to speeding vehicles.



Marr Policing Priority - Wildlife Crime


Wildlife Criminality in the area has been low, but again, with the lighter nights and warmer weather, this may increase.  We have had a number of calls in relation to people wild camping, mainly further up the road towards Ballater / Braemar.  Where the majority of people taking part in such activity act responsibly, there are a small number who do not.  We have had reports relating to fires being lit in inappropriate areas, as well as litter and other items being left behind.  This is disappointing, and it only takes a small number to spoil it for outhers.

Anyone considering wild camping should research online as to what is and isn’t acceptable, but a lot of it comes down to common sense.  There are booklets available at the Banchory Police Office that provide information in relation to this topic, so feel free to signpost people to pop in past.

Additional to that, we have the support of the Cairngorm Rangers as well as a number of Special Constables that have given up their time to assist in patrolling area.

Also as the year marches on, there is likely to be an increase of poaching to the area around the River Dee.  Members of the public are encouraged to be vigilant in relation to any suspicious activity around the rivers.  If in doubt, then better to call than to ignore.  There are bailiffs that patrol the area, and their contact details will be on the relevant websites, so if you are unsure whether to call Police, consider a call to the Water Bailiffs to pass any information.  The Water Bailiffs will soon contact us if they feel the need to alert us.



Other Policing Activity and Information


As per a number of previous reports, I have highlighted that we attend a large number of incidents that do not always amount to criminality.  We attend a number of concern for person type calls, which we are happy to attend when required, but these calls can tie Officers up for lengthy periods of time unfortunately. 


Officers are always keen to build intelligence and target issues that affect the community in order to tackle issues before they become a bigger issue.  Drug related issues continue to come to light in the area, and we are always happy to listen to members of the community in relation to this.  There are various ways to make contact with Police to report information, be it via telephone to 101, or Crime Stoppers 0800 111 555, or to any Police Officer you encounter.  You are welcome to attend at the Police Office, but please bear in mind that there may not be staff in the building all of the time.


Fraudsters continue to develop techniques in order to catch people out, not only vulnerable people.  I am aware of a couple of folk who have fallen victim of late, who have no vulnerabilities, but have just been victim to a particularly clever Fraud.  We encourage you to be cautious when dealing with money issues.  In a lot of cases, Banks will refund money, but this is not always the case.  If you have any doubts, then STOP!  Make contact with your bank, in person where possible, or at the very least via a number obtained from a Bank Statement or trusted website.  There are too many people out there who would love to take your money, so please be guarded.


Have a good summer, and Stay Safe!



Neighbourhood Alert


If you are looking to keep informed of certain information and advice in relation to crimes in the area, it is worth signing up to the Neighbourhood Alert service.  Details are as follows;


Neighbourhood Alert is delivered in Scotland by Neighbourhood Watch Scotland.  The Alert system allows you to stay up to date with the latest crime, safety and resilience news for your local area, which has proved particularly useful to people and communities over the last few years.  All information comes from trusted sources and removes any doubt as to the accuracy and authenticity of the information you receive. 


Neighbourhood Alert is free to join - visit  and sign up to receive Alerts.